Psychology of the Observer
by Richard Rose
In his book, Psychology of the Observer, Richard Rose reveals the essence of his
Albigen System and ways and means for going within to discover Reality.
Of his many writings, Psychology of the Observer is the most indispensable to the sincere
seeker. In it, Rose reveals the process that led to his Enlightenment—a triangulation
psychology called the conciliatory principle—and
directly lays out the Albigen System as a way for us to awaken.
If the following excerpt strikes your intuition or logic, place an order for the
Psychology of the Observer.
The mind cannot be studied with the mind. It must be observed from some point, outside of, and yet superior to the mind.
True observation must be carried on from a superior dimension. The mind cannot
be studied with the mind. It must be observed from some point, outside of,
and yet superior to the mind. This process might be likened to the
triangulation made in surveying, when the height of a mountain needs to be
known without dragging chain every step of the way to the top. Two
sightings can be made from a common base line to the top of the mountain, giving
two different angles as the inside angles of the triangle. With this the
two sighting-distances will be known, from which a perpendicular line,—from the
apex of the mountain to its center within the mountain along the same base line,
or plane,—will give the height.
That base line is the point of reference, and point from which all validity
emanates. It begins as a short line, entirely separate from the mountain.
It is outside the mountain. From it an imaginary string is drawn or dropped to
the center of the mountain on the same level as the plain. The only other way
to measure the height of the mountain with the same accuracy would be the drilling and
measuring of a hole from the top, meeting a similar horizontal hole drilled on
the level of the plain.
![mountain experience](Psychology%20of%20the%20Observer,R.Rose-1_files/mountains.jpg)
In chemistry, our point of reference is an agreement on certain bases of
valence, bonding and element-nature. However, our triangulation really began
with a concept of valence. We could not describe or predict without the
idea-agreement or concept and its terminology.
Even the systems of triangulation or speculation in scientific pursuits are
not infallible. At one time the basis for the whole concept of oxidation rested
upon an erroneous concept or agreement called the phlogiston theory.
So the new theory as a basis from which to work should not be rejected
merely because we cannot relate to it easily, or because (in psychology) we
need to triangulate to find the conciliatory point, before we can work from
that point of reference to properly evaluate the then inferior dimension, which
we call the mind.
Actually the above described system of mind-evaluation is not a concept,
except to those who have not been beyond the mind. And those who do
not wish to go to the bother to try advised procedures to find such a point of
reference, prefer to simply claim that it does not exist.
We need to explore at this point that which is meant by "triangulation to
find that superior point of reference."
Triangulation is the geometric pattern of all human thinking. We know that
we function from a relative way of observing. Our eyes triangulate or we
could not be aware of differences in distance. The position of our ears
picks up the direction of sounds coming in. Our understanding of gray is
arrived at by our consideration of two opposites, black and white. Benoit
(The Supreme Doctrine) speaks of a triangle of understanding in which the
polarity of opposites form the two ends of the base-line, with the apex being
the "superior conciliatory principle."
We can see by these observations, that not only does a thing need to be
known in relation to its opposite, but it must be known from a third, impartially
detached viewpoint.
If we take good and bad as the two polar extremes, by observing those
two factors alone, we will never get beyond the knowledge that good is not bad,
and bad is not good. However, when viewed from a superior, detached viewpoint,
we can get the new definition that good and bad constitute a spectrum of consideration,
which when viewed as a whole give us an entirely new concept of the processes of life and
their relation to justice, to a space-time consideration,—or in regard to
meanings of some evolutionary blueprint.
To find the superior point of observation we must admit that we must find a
conciliatory apex-point whose nature and location is unknown to us. We know the
two points at the base. They are consciousness and unconsciousness, seeming
existence and seeming non-existence.
As the surveyor sighting for an unknown measurement, we must try to find that
apex. If another surveyor has found the method of getting it, it would be a good idea to
consult him. If there is no one to consult, we must educate ourselves as to ways and
means. We must indulge in tentative concepts perhaps, and make some unnecessary
The process outlined as the "psychology of the Observer" shows the beginning
processes of early triangulations. In examining our consciousness, or thought
processes we find the Umpire aptly called a conciliating principle. However, upon
scrutiny we find that it is in turn being observed, and when it is
properly scrutinized, it will be found to be a somatic monitor, being concerned
with body-consciousness. We strike another line behind the Umpire and find
ourselves observing the processes of the Umpire, and then the processes of the
mind itself. And by this seemingly accidental discovery of mental
processes we have placed ourselves automatically in a point of awareness that
watches (occupies the conciliatory apex) the polar point of the Umpire and the
polar point of the Higher Intuition. These two points are the dual
functioning of the mind, which are the somatic Umpire and the extremely
subjective mind, which are somewhat parallel in expression to the rational mind
(and its lobe) and the dream mind (and its lobe) as discussed by Ornstein.
We do not become aware of the Higher Intuition at the same time
that we discover the Umpire. Many people revel in the discovery of the Umpire.
This exultation is described elsewhere as the Eureka experience. The mathematician
discovers the harmony in a set of symbols. Suddenly the universe becomes a tightly
wrapped sphere of laws, encompassing all action.
The Umpire is mundane, and the Eureka-man reacts in truly mundane style
when he discovers it. He belabors himself with the study of symbols and laws,
hoping to master the whole plan and subordinate the universe to his button-pushing
intentions. If you even suggest a higher-intuitive method of looking at things,
he will turn his back in derision.
But the Umpire is only one point on a plane of reference. There is another voice
in us which hints that the Umpire may indeed be a charlatan that pretends to have
everything under control for the individual. This Higher Intuition is less vocal than
the Umpire, but it challenges the mind of man by pointing out such things which
the Umpire cannot explain with its pretence of logic. The mirage and the
miraculous defy the objectivity of the Umpire. The sixth sense causes
uncertainty in the previous five.
And so the Higher Intuition becomes the other point of reference, or
point D on the ladder of Jacob. And when we become aware of the existence of both
Higher Intuition and the Umpire, and their opposition, we become
possibly aware of the Process Observer.
As has been said before these mental workings are similar to intense meditation,
or the result of intense meditation. I am continually running across references in
Buddhistic and Brahmanistic writings which indicate that the sages of the Himalayas and
the Ganges knew about these mental stages, for perhaps a thousand years.
An accompanying diagram (Plate I) will give some idea of direction of our
search for higher Reality, which simultaneously means the finding of the True Self.
![jacob's ladder](Psychology%20of%20the%20Observer,R.Rose-1_files/jacobs_ladder_thumbnail.jpg)
Plate I - Click image to enlarge
» Gain more
insight by reading a presentation transcript titled Jacob's
Ladder: A Direct Going Within by Paul Constant.
» Order
books, audio, and video products by and about Richard Rose from Rose
In the end, it seems, there is no real observer behind
it all...It is the dream of an ultimate observer—a place of final refuge—that blocks the
light. When observing stops, the Real appears—crystal clear and empty.
- Bart Marshall
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